International Art Magazine Feature

In March, Niki Browes, the editor of Artists & Illustrators magazine, reached out to me asking if I would be interested in being interviewed for an article for their June 2023 issue. A thousand times YES!

The article is a 6-page “How I Paint” feature with multiple images. The magazine also decided to put my painting on the cover. When I received my copies of the publication, I was also pleasantly surprised to see my another painting on the table of contents.

“Artists & Illustrators is the UK’s best-selling magazine for artists and art lovers, providing expert advice and inspiration in every issue. Working in every subject and mediums, Artists & Illustrators has been an indispensable guide to creativity for more than 30 years. What’s more our reach is unrivaled in the UK market and stands at:
• 13 UK editions
• 65,000 Print readership
• 10,000 Print subscribers
• 739,000 Digital reach
• 21,000 Email subscribers “

Copies of the magazine can be purchased here. Allow 8-12 weeks for shipping from UK.


Juried Exhibitions August 2023 Sales and Awards


Westmoreland Art Nationals 2023